What to post on your social media business page

July 4, 2014

I am a strong believer that every business should have some kind of social media profile available online for their customers to connect with. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, etc…; You should include social media into your business marketing plan.

Some business owners choose to create a Business Page and only have important contact information available for visitors to find. That’s a nice first step to take for your business, but I recommend you take this opportunity to create a positive and more meaningful relationship with your more interested client base.

Share with them all the amazing features of your business and what makes your’s better than your competitors. Create a more personal relationship with your customers by posting funny or silly things you find online. Or show off all the current things that are happening in the office. You should also take the opportunity to get input from your clients and perspective customers by allowing them to give feedback about your business through the use of Social Media.

Make social media an important tool in your business practice by getting to know your customers, and letting them in on exclusive insights to the behind-the-scenes side of your business.

Having said all that… Some days it can be hard to get a good idea of what to create for a post. Here is a list of suggestions on what to post on your business social media pages.

1. Quotes: Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well.

2. Fill-in-the-blank posts (e.g. “If I had $1 million I would _________”)

3. Polls: While Facebook offers built-in polls, I find running them manually works best for boosting engagement (e.g. “Which of these books is your favorite?”)

4. Behind-the-scenes photos: Take candid shots of yourself, your employees, or snap a shot of your office or workspace.

5. Infographics: Find an infographic your followers would appreciate. Check out Daily Infographic for ideas, or better yet, create your own.

Check out the full list of 100 Killer Ideas For Your Social Media Content by www.forbes.com

Do you have a killer suggestion on what kind of things you like to post on your business page? Share with us your valuable insight in the comment section below!

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