10 Signs You Should Invest In A New Logo For Your Business

May 21, 2014

People grow. Businesses expand. Logo’s evolve.

That’s just the way things are. Even some of the largest and most successful companies in the world undergo brand re-designs in order to stay current and eye-catching.

With that being said, how long have you been using your current logo? If any of the following statements apply to you and your company, perhaps it’s time for a change. Here are 10 signs why you should invest in a new logo your business.

  • Your current logo design was created in Microsoft Word.
  • Your logo only looks good when printed in colour.
  • Your current logo uses a photo as part of the design.
  • People often are confused by your logo and are not sure what your business is.
  • Your logo was made by someone who was not a skilled graphic designer.
  • You use more than 2 font choices in your logo.
  • Your current logo design is not in a vectorized format.
  • Your choice of fonts include or heavily resemble Comic Sans, Curls MT, or Papyrus in your logo.
  • You only have 1 layout/version of your logo.
  • You’re still using the same logo design since you first started your business.

If you’re interested in a logo re-design for your business, contact us today for a quote. Our talented team here at Kelowna Website Design will help you take your new logo design to the next level.

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