Is it time to re-organize Your office?

April 15, 2014

Take a look around your office space… does it happen to look anything like this?


YIKES!! How can anyone work like this!?

If any aspect of your office space resembles this… perhaps it’s time for an overhaul. Here are some simple steps to take when re-organizing your office.

Go through the scattered post-it notes and papers on top of your desk and determine what is actually important to keep. Don’t forget the papers that are stuffed randomly in your desk drawers too! Start by throwing away any old take-out menu’s or pages of useless doodles, and see where that takes you.


For every item in your office, assign a specific place for it to be kept. This should help you declutter everything as well as help properly store important items in your office.

  • Run over to your local dollar store and pick up some useful file folders or binders to keep important bills, receipts, or client’s meeting notes.
  • While you’re at it, pick up some interesting office organizers for your pens, pencils, and other useful tools you use.
  • If you have the room, get yourself some sort of file cabinet or establish a storage system for your files to keep safe, tidy, and organized.

3. CLEAN everything
Once all of your paperwork is sorted and your desk is de-cluttered, It’s best to take a rag and wipe/dust all of your surfaces to make it all look as amazing as the day you bought it. When it comes to cleaning your electronics; the most important tip I can give you is to clean smart.


  • Don’t use lots of liquid solvents around your computers or anything that is electrical.
  • Try to use a microfiber cloth when wiping screens and monitors to ensure that you are not scratching any surfaces. Using microfiber cloths will also reduce the amount of streaking that regular cloths or paper towels leave behind.
  • Pick up a can of compressed air to clean out computer fans/vents and in-between the keys of your keyboard. I will warn you… depending on how often you dust the vents of your computer, be aware that a lot of dust could come flying out. so WATCH OUT!

4. SHIFTING your perspective
Sometimes a big/fun change can be to move around the furniture to create a better flow or at least give you a new view within your office. Have your desk/chair placed in a way that give you the best view possible. Whether that is being able to look out of the window, or stare towards an amazing piece of artwork… whatever inspires you most should be what you have in your field of view at all times.


There you have it! 4 simple techniques to declutter your office and have a clean/organized space that you feel you can be your most productive self.

Images provided by:
photo credit: Gregory Han via photopin cc
photo credit: ?Low? via photopin cc


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